The U.S. Gaming Association (AGA) collaborated with Fitch Ratings to gauge the gaming sector’s prospects. The positive takeaway is that a majority of gaming leaders are quite bullish on the current state of affairs.

The analysis delved into market anticipations and the potential longevity of prevailing trends throughout the year.

To gather this data, they engaged with 26 prominent figures from both the global and American gaming landscapes – encompassing casino operators, equipment providers, and representatives from tribal gaming enterprises.

A substantial 62% of these leaders characterized the present business climate as favorable, with an additional 35% deeming it adequate. A promising outlook indeed.

However, when prompted to project over the ensuing six months, a mere 20% of these executives foresee further industry improvements.

It appears the prevailing sentiment leans towards guarded optimism. Economic factors, consumer spending appetite, and the overall societal mood all contribute to this perspective.

While a surge is not anticipated, a heartening 65% maintain that conditions will remain stable, mirroring the current state.

Bill Miller, the AGA’s president and CEO, aptly summarized the situation: “The gaming industry’s unprecedented success has extended into 2023, a sentiment clearly reflected in the attitudes of gaming executives nationwide.”

He further noted, “Although macroeconomic challenges are moderating expectations for the mid-term, our industry is well-equipped to weather any potential difficulties.”

Leaders in the video game sector are feeling hopeful about hardware advancements, with a vast majority (88%) predicting a surge in revenue. This bullish sentiment is driven by an expected increase in both fresh and broadened gaming ventures, as reported by 63% of those polled.

Although supply chain bottlenecks were a significant apprehension before, global instability has surfaced as a primary anxiety for higher-ups, mentioned by almost a third of participants.


By Athena "Astra" Sinclair

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's in Psychology, this skilled author has a passion for using mathematical and psychological methods to investigate the cognitive and behavioral aspects of gambling and to develop evidence-based interventions for preventing and treating gambling addiction. They have expertise in cognitive psychology, behavioral modeling, and clinical trials, which they apply to the study of the psychological factors influencing gambling behavior and the development of effective prevention and treatment programs for problem gambling. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a psychological and mathematical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to promote responsible and healthy gambling practices.

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